All His Promises Canvas Banner

All His Promises Canvas Banner

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2 Corinthians 1:20 NKJV

This verse declares boldly that God’s promises are in Jesus, that his promises are true, faithful, and confirmed in Jesus! It is important to remember that saying yes and amen does not mean that every prayer or desire we have will come to pass – rather Paul teaches us about the promises of God, not prayers. Believers can trust God to do what is best in our lives and cling to the hope of Jesus’ return.

When we say yes and amen, we are putting our focus rightly on God’s promises found in the Bible instead of being distracted by the passing trials in this world. When we face hardships or obstacles, we can look to Scripture for encouragement and hope. This verse challenges followers of Jesus to trust in God’s promises found throughout Scripture because they are guaranteed and affirmed in Christ Jesus.