Introducing Dwell Here: A Journey of Faith and Design

Introducing Dwell Here: A Journey of Faith and Design

Hey there, I'm Gold—an Interior Designer with a heart for home decor and design. Dwell Here emerged from a season of darkness following the loss of my father. Lost in grief, I found solace in solitude, retreating into my room and discovering my sense of style amidst the isolation of the pandemic.

Though I grew up Christian, I had distanced myself from God in my pain, seeking comfort in rearranging furniture rather than seeking Him. But as time passed, I realized I couldn't keep running from my Heavenly Father. I began to emerge from my isolation, forging new bonds and seeking a deeper relationship with God.

In the quiet of my room, I found myself chasing after Him, longing for His presence. But it wasn't until a simple yet profound revelation during a church service that I realized I had been asking for His presence without inviting Him into my heart.

That's when it hit me—I needed God to Dwell Here. I needed Him to fill the void in my heart, to be present in every corner of my life, including my home. And from that realization, Dwell Here was born—a Christian lifestyle brand for home decor products.

With a focus on faith, comfort, growth, and enrichment, Dwell Here aims to create spaces where customers can feel at peace and closer to God. Because wherever we go, Jesus is there—dwelling within us.

I share my story in the hope that it inspires you to invite Jesus into your heart and create a space where He can dwell, where you can find peace and share it with others.

With love,

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Begin a journey where every detail in your home resonates with tranquility and purpose.

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